Year of registration: 1990 and 2020
Morphological description:
The tuft weakly developed in the seeding year and loosely spreading in subsequent years. The stem is hollow, angular and 80 cm tall. Its adventitious rhizomes spread approximately up to 200 cm from the mother plant. The leaf is green to dark green, imparipinnate. The flower is pink, sporadically pinkish white. The fruit is formed by constricted lomentum. The seed is oblong, mahogany in colour, the 1000-seed weight is 4–4,1 g.
Agronomic characters:
This is perennial clover plant which develops slowly in the seeding year but a dense, compact stand is formed in subsequent years. It is used predominantly for technicalk purposes, checkong soil erosion adn slope revegetation. It is not demanding on soil conditions, but is not recommended for regions up over 600 m a.s. l.. It is characterized by a good health condition, overwintering and good perennializy even of the stand is not cut.