Year of registration:  2018  

Origin: Individual selections and crossings of flora in the Czech Republic.


Description and economic features:
Multi-year-old clover with deep root roots. Grows in drier habitats. The redheaded clover creates a thick bunch of upright stems that grow from underground rhizomes. The tricky, green-green leaves are lanceolate, gently dentate around the perimeter and covered with silver trichomes that give a silky look. The protuberant inflorescences of the stem-shaped form grow individually on the stem and measure up to 8 cm in height. Initially (still in the bud), the inflorescences are silvery-gray, later bloom from the bottom in rich crimson red flowers. Blooms from June to July.
HTS is about 2,4025 g. In a young state, it is a good herb, in the age of the stem, hard, and the animals are badly accepted.

Trifolium rubens is not too demanding for soil, just good soil is best on a sunny, drier site. Use in meadow and pasture mixtures. It can also be used as a green fertilizer (symbiotic bacteria living on the roots of clover weigh in the soil air nitrogen).

Sowing into mixtures in the amount of 10-12 kg.ha-1  from March to May. The seed is sown 15 kg.ha-1 in pure culture.