Mobilizing European Communities of Practice in bio-based systems for better governance and skills development networks in bioeconomy
Programme: Horizon Europe
Number: 101060742
Coordinator: CIVITTA ESTONIA AS (Estonsko)
Time of solving: 2021–2024
Summary: project engages 10 experienced partners to mobilize local resources and stakeholders in eight EU states (Estonia, Italy, Netherland, Greece, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Portugal and Germany). The project aims strategically to support the establishment of innovative governance models in bioeconomy to achieve better-informed decision-making processes, social engagement of all actors and uptake of sustainable innovations in bioeconomy. With the specific objective to provide validated guidelines for bioeconomy training and mentoring based on case studies from 8 EU regions, undertakes to: - identify and assess from the perspective of using the good practices and successful case studies for novel training framework, - complete an assessment based on regional capacities, opportunities, barriers and potentials; - define regional needs and expectations, local feedstock availabilities and use, governance barriers, social and economic landscape; - identify needs for skills required by the novel business models and related social measures to enable consumers, industry and public bodies to switch to socially and environmentally responsible behaviour within their spheres (e.g. regulatory measures, corporate responsibility initiatives, education and training). The methodology of the project ensures the synergies between respektive parties, transparency of actions and inclusiveness of all actors, incl the socially vulnerable groups. Based on the collected materials, analyses and Quintuple Innovation Helix approach, the project develops guidelines for the setup of the modern and inclusive training and mentoring frameworks and programmes in specific European regions targeting the local bio-systems, regulators and policies for building the bridge between knowledge, skills, bioeconomy and good governance.
Preparing the creation of Bio-Based Education Centres to meet industry needs and boost the contribution of the bioeconomy to societal challenges
Programme: Horizon 2020
Number: 101023381
Akronym: BIObec
Time of solving: 2021–2024
Summary: Unlocking the full potential of the bioeconomy and its value chains requires a systematic and collaborative perspective for the development of new skills, educational approaches and organisational solutions to provide education and training services. The aim of the BIObec project is to develop a holistic framework for multi-level Bio-Based Education Centers (BBEC) flexible enough to answer the present and future needs of the industry and of the surrounding ecosystem at local, regional, national and/or international levels.
The project will design 6 BBEC pilots assuring a wide geographical coverage in Europe and addressing different topics linked to the variety of value chains and institutional contexts (vocational to university level, primary producers, processors, SMEs to MNCs). BIOBEC will clarify the needs of the different regional ecosystems and will provide detailed design, economic and financial assessment, governance plans for the educational training centres, as well as plans for life-long-learning programmes. It will also develop collaborative tools to maximize the synergies between them at the European and international level. The project will mobilise a network of 19 partners, which are leaders in Bioeconomy Education from different perspectives (ranging from academia to industry) together with a wide network of Implementation and Replication Working Groups and local stakeholders based in the EU. This network will pave the way for implementation and replication of the BBEC, in order to boost the contribution of the education sector for the development of the bioeconomy.
Innovating Sustainable Maize Cultivation Systems Using Undersowing Crops to Reduce Soil Degradation and Enhancing Water Management under Changing Climate Conditions
Coordinator: Mendel University in Brno
Principal investigator: Ing. Antonín Kintl
Supported by: Technology Agency of the Czech Republic – TA ČR
Project duration: 2019 – 2023
The project is aimed at suggesting maize cultivation systems while under-sowing intercrops are used or maize is sown along with other types of crops (mixed cultures). Subsequently their soil protection effects (surface runoff, selected soil properties), organic matter balance and effects on production (silage yield) and cultivation economy will be evaluated. In the course of the project under-sowing crops (particularly those from the group of legumes, clovers and grasses) suitable for different soil and climatic conditions will be selected. Maize cultivation technology will be proposed, i.e. a suitable date for sowing under-sowing crops, seeding, fertilizing system and weed control will be determined. Part of the solution is the development and construction of a multi-functional machine for the establishment of crops under-sowing in maize fields.
Using Waste from Biogas Production to Enhance Soil Properties and Increasing Sulfur Content in Plants (TH04030142)
Coordinator: Mendel University in Brno
Investigator: Ing. Antonín Kintl
Supported by: Technology Agency of the Czech Republic – TA ČR
Project duration: 2019 – 2023
The goal of the project is the use of waste sulfur. The plan is to make new fertilizers based on organic and mineral fertilizers. At present, the sulfur content in soils is deficient, which results in a poorer soil quality as well as reduced yields and lower crop quality. By testing different combinations of sulfur with organic matter, the effect of this sulfur will be higher. Combinations of sulfur and different fertilizers and different concentrations of both sulfur and fertilizers will be tested. As a result a fertilizer capable to increase the sulfur content in the soil and the sulfur content in plants will be available. By means of proven technologies, we will verify hypotheses and prove their use in agriculture.
Liquid Organic Fertilizer Application Systems as a Means of Improving the Soil Environment, Enhancing the Utilization of Nutrients by Plants and as a Means of Minimizing Environmental Impacts (TH04030132)
Coordinator: Mendel University in Brno
Investigator: Ing. Antonín Kintl
Supported by: National Agency for Agricultural Research (NAZV)
Project duration: 2019 – 2023
The project is aimed at developing new systems for the application of liquid organic fertilizers in order to reduce their negative effects on the soil and environment and to promote better use of nutrients by various crops. The goal is to increase the efficiency of their usage, on the one hand, by developing an application unit (application to multiple depths at the same time) that can be used in strip processing, and on the other hand, by making methodologies for full-area application for various crops, both during and outside the growing season. By means of proven technologies, we will verify hypotheses and prove their potential use in overall agricultural practice.
Innovation of practices for the establishment of mixed cultures of alfalfa to improve soil quality and produce of safe forage
Coordinator: Mendel University in Brno
Investigator: Ing. Daniela Knotová, Ph.D.
Supported by: Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
Time of solving: 2018 – 2022
Summary: The main objective of the project is to propose a procedure for the establishment of a mixed culture of alfalfa seeded with the simultaneous application of inoculants and to propose a technical solution for incorporating the inoculant into the soil with the emphasis on preserving the viability of the used cultures of microorganisms. Mixed alfalfa cultures will allow biomass to be harvested with a balanced proportion of protein and energy components. Silable biomass will be rich in nitrogenous substances, increasing the energy content through the grass component will ensure the production of not only high-quality but also health-safe feeds, especially in the case of algae silage, the risk of producing biogenic amines.
Biodiversity increase and support of ecosystem services in agricultural landscape through alternative management practices in grasslands and pastures
Coordinator: Agricultural Research, Ltd.
Investigator: Mgr. Tomáš Vymyslický, Ph.D.
Supported by: Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
Time of solving: 2019–2022
Summary: The main aim of proposed project will be testing, standardisation and certification of management tools leading to increased biodiversity and restoration of ecosystem services of meadow biotopes. Meadows are essential part of agricultural landscape. Due to realisation of this project an important increase of plant and invertebrates biodiversity will be supported. Some key ecosystem services will be restored. For example increase of pollinator’s populations, limitation of soil erosion, and water retention in the agroecosystems. The results will be available through certified methodologies, certified technological procedure and utility model. We expect wide transfer of the results into praxis and sustainability even after project will finish.
Promoting the functional diversity of soil organisms by applying classical and modified stable organic matter while preserving the soil's production properties
Coordinator: Mendel University in Brno
Investigator: Ing. Antonín Kintl
Supported by: Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
Time of solving: 2018 – 2022
Summary: The aim of the project is to support the functional diversity of soil organisms by applying stable organic matter, especially activated biochar and digestate, in order to eliminate their negative impacts on soil and to improve the ecological and economic aspects of agricultural production. The project will result in improved soil properties, supporting functional diversity, promoting fertility and returning carbon back into soil.
Application of precision farming in the whole process, from the production of silages to the feeding of cattle
Coordinator: Agricultural Research Ltd.
Investigator: RNDr. Jan Nedělník, Ph.D.
Supported by: Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic
Time of solving: 2018 – 2022
Summary: The aim of project is design new and improve existing systems and technologies for the production of quality forage by extending the precision farming features in the field of crop production to their harvest, storage and use in cattle nutrition. Develop software for the evaluation of forage quality using the fast and inexpensive NIRs spectrometric method. Update NIRs calibration equations according to chemical analysis results. Set up devices to respond appropriately to dryness, nutrition, and fodder processing level, and indicate the need for intervention, or automatically change eg the dose of silage preparation or the length of TMR mixing in the feed wagon.
Quantification of the impact of farming management on soil erosion, soil quality and yields of crops with proposals of the environmentally friendly cultivation technologies
Coordinator: Mendel university in Brno
Investigator: Ing. Jaroslava Novotná, Ph.D.
Supported by: Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic
Time of solving: 2018 – 2022
Summary: The main aim is to evaluate the effects of water erosion to the production of crops and subsequent quantification of production losses depending on the intensity of erosion within the system of sustainable management of natural resources, as well as to examine the system of the definition of strongly and moderately erosion-endangered soils (SEO, MEO) in the conditions of the individual farms, and to suggest the optimization and adjustment of the subsidies system. An important aim is to design and verify erosion control systems too, respecting the production view and the protection of the natural resources (soil, water, landscape).
Aerobic - anaerobic mobile contained rotary bioreactor
Coordinator: Vysoká škola báňská - Technická univerzita Ostrava
Investigator: RNDr. Jan Nedělník, Ph.D.
Supported by: Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
Time of solving: 2018–2020
Summary: The aim of the project is to develop an aerobic - anaerobic horizontal contained rotary bioreactor that will be usable for various processes, especially for dry anaerobic digestion (biogas production in stackable biomass) and for intense aerobic fermentation (in-wessel composting, biodrying). Peripheries (valves, dosing device and stirring blades) will be developed so that the reactor can be used also for wet or semi-dry anaerobic digestion (biogas production in liquid batch). The future may show further possibilities of use of this reactor such as autothermal thermophilic aerobic sludge stabilization (sanitation). Small-scale bioreactor (10-15 tons of biomass) is designed for standalone or battery operation. The prototype will be made and approved (certified) by the end of 2020.
Cultivation of corn for grain in a controlled mixed culture system using clover
Coordinator: Agricultural research, Ltd.
Investigator: Ing. Antonín Kintl
Supported by: Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
Time of solving: 2018–2021
Summary: The aim of the project is to increase the efficiency of a production of corn grain, the technology of a mixed crop management system with the use of cloven-hoof trees. The purpose is to support the implementation of experiments leading to the specification of methodological procedures enabling the introduction of the technology into agricultural practice.
Resistance monitoring methods of economically important pests and weeds to pesticides and anti-resistance strategies
Coordinator: The Crop Research Institute
Investigator: Ing. Pavel Kolařík
Supported by: Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic, QK1820081
Time of solving: 1.1.2018 – 31.12.2020
Summary: The aim of the project is to verify or develop methods for resistance monitoring of pests and weeds to pesticides. The object of the research will be pest organisms with incidence of resistance in Europe. Resistance of pests of oil seed rape, field vegetable and potatoes and weeds will be evaluated. For resistant populations of pests and weeds, the LD50 and LD90 values will be established for active substances for which this knowledge are not available. The efficacy of new active substances on resistant populations will be proved and values of baseline will be established. Mechanisms of resistance of pests and weeds to pesticides will be evaluated by molecular and biochemical methods antiresistant strategies will be proposed.
Support for Czech participation of the agrarian sector research organizations in the international research
Solving of a project „Support for Czech participation of the agrarian sector research organizations in the international research“ started 1.2.2017. The project is financed from the programme of international cooperation in research and development INTER-EXCELLENCE, sub-programme INTER-INFORM. It is managed under registration number LTI17006. Coordinator of the project is Agrovýzkum Rapotín, Ltd., one member of the project team is company Agricultural Research, Ltd. Project solving time is from 1.2.2017 to 31.12.2020. More information could be found at www pages of the project.
The development and verification of apparatus for deep incorporation of organic matter to the soil in the vineyards and orchards
Coordinator: Agricultural research, Ltd., Troubsko
Investigator: Ing. Barbora Badalíková
Supported by: Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
Time of solving: 2017–2020
Summary: The aim of the project is the development of functional devices for depth application of organic material useable in a complex technological line for fertilization of vineyards and orchards. A partial aim is to verify the possibility of increasing the content of stable organic matter, support functional diversity of soil organisms in the soil preserve production capability even in drought. Solutions contribute to the fulfilment of subprogram technology and new techniques useful in environmental protection and improvement of soil properties.
Revitalisation of agricultural land in the areas of the Czech Republic endangered by drought
Coordinator: Mendel University in Brno
Investigator: Mgr. Tomáš Vymyslický, Ph.D.
Supported by: Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
Time of solving: 2017–2020
Summary: The aim of the project is the use of auxiliary soil substances and perspective technologies to improve the parameters of damaged soils in arid areas of the Czech Republic and increased Biodiversity in these areas. A model plot of a degraded farmland in the Hodonín region will be used for testing the application of top-quality lignite from local sources combined with moisture absorbents, which shall improve the physical and chemical properties of the soil and conditions for vegetation growth. The project will also test the WASP technology based on special pellet-like treatment of seed that helps to increase its germination rate. In the conditions of arid environment without irrigation this could be a significant improvement applicable in both production and non-production agriculture.
EUREKA E! 6742 – WINEREST Sustainable and innovative use of waste from grape and fruit processing
Coordinator: Institute for Forage Crops, Ltd. Kruševac, Serbia
Investigator: Mgr. Tomáš Vymyslický
Supported by: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic
Time of solving: 2012–2015
Summary: The aim of the project is to ensure ecologically and economically acceptable ways of disposal of waste from wine and fruit juice processing by the processes of ensiling and composting. The main part of the project will verify the influence of composts made with the use of waste from wine and fruit juice processing on soil environment, plant growth and development. New composts will be tested in anti erosion protection of the soil and during restoration processes (vineyards, permanent grasslands, road slopes and dumps). Importance of the soil protection against erosion increases due to the fact that in the last 10 years many areas of the Czech Republic and Europe have faced to large and more frequent floods. The possibilities of good realization of the composts made from waste from wine and fruit juice processing on the market is very probably. We are coming out from the prerequisites that production costs of the composts from tested wastes will be low and in addition the composts will contribute to sustainable use of these organic wastes. Silage preparation will be focused on obtaining the animal feed with high content of nutritionally valuable elements and the high quality.
Eureka E! 3824 INWASCOMP From Industrial Waste To Commercial Products
Coordinator : | Research Institute of Building Materials, Brno |
Investigator : | Mgr. Tomáš Vymyslický |
Supported by: | Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic |
Time of solving: | 2007–2010 |
Within the frame of the project the possibilities of built embankments revegetation by use of the material called „EnviMix“ are solved. Selected industial waste (slags, ashes, fly-ashes etc.) are used as components of the material „EnviMix“. The project suppose elimination of such negative effects, which are connected with destruction of stabilization elements in the countryside (soil erosion, high surface loss of nutrients, floodings etc.). Other negative effects on countryside, especially diversity changes of permanent cultures – mainly in the surrounding of river systems and water reservoirs – are also solved.
Innovation of integrated pest management of oilseed rape to reduce negative effects of current cultivation technology
Coordinator: The Crop Research Institute
Investigator: Ing. Pavel Kolařík
Supported by: Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic, QJ1610217
Time of solving: 1.4.2016 – 31.12.2018
Summary: The aim of the project is to recommend innovative methods of effective pest regulation in oilseed rape reducing negative effects of current practices on the environment, on biodiversity and natural enemies. The recommended methods would help to avert negative impact of pest control in oilseed rape causing contamination of pollen and honey by pesticides residues.
The decrease of the risk at the growing of oilseed poppy
Coordinator: OSEVA Development and Research Ltd.
Investigator: Ing. Pavel Kolařík
Supported by: Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic, QJ1510014
Time of solving: 2015 – 2018
Summary: The project aim is to improve the growing technology of oilseed poppy for the maximal decrease of stress influence and optimalised environmental protection. To use the new signal and diagnostic methods for the staining of individual pest thresholds and using the knowledges of pest life cycles connected to the course of meteorological factors to forecast the suitable (needful) treatment terms for the main pests and diseases. The improved protection causes the decrease of the growing costs. To optimalise the plant nutrition using the modern application of the fertilizers.
Innovation of methods for establishment, management and plant protection of perennial grass and legume seed crops
Coordinator: Oseva PRO Ltd., Grassland Research Station, Rožnov – Zubří
Investigator: Ing. Daniela Knotová
Supported by: Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic
Time of solving: 2015 – 2018
Summary: The aim project is to design or improve some existing elements of integrated protection of perennial forage species on arable land and on permanent grasslands. The project will focus primarily on modern phytosanitary measures leading ultimately to improve the quality of harvested products (seeds, forage) with higher economic efficiency of the end user.
New environmental friendly technology of liquid digestate treatment.
Coordinator: Agricultural Research, Ltd.
Investigator: RNDr. Jan Nedělník, Ph.D.
Supported by: Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
Time of solving: 2014–2017
Summary: Agriculture Research, Ltd. together with agriKomp Bohemia, a.s. (project partner) are working together to develop a new technology for chemical treatment and subsequent division fugatami on the liquid component - water and solid component (concentrated fugatami). Water will be supplied to the existing water clearing station or drained directly into the river, concentrated fugatami will be mixed with a fixed output from digestate separator and used as a high quality fertilizer, used as bedding for housed livestock or composting and reclamation.
The current technology requires large storage tanks for storage and liquid fraction and subsequently huge tankers for soil application. The new technology will spare storage cost, transport cost and will enable more efficient and environmental friendly application of fertilization.
The introduction of appropriate procedures that minimize negative impacts on insect pollinators and other beneficial organisms in fruit production technology and the development of methods for increasing the efficiency of pollination (TH01030787)
Coordinator: Crop Research Institute cri
Investigator: Ing. Karel Vejražka, Ph.D.
Supported by: Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
Time of solving: 2015–2018
Summary: The main aims of the project are i. natural expansion of Buff-tailed Bumblebee populations of domestic origin to the czech orchards, ii. the risk assessment of neonicotinoids used to protect the fruit for studied pollinators in relation to degree of degradation/cumulation of these substances in the pollen harvest, iii. introduction of methods of the fruit protection, friendly to insect pollinators and other beneficial organisms, to the fruit production technology. Related objective is the implementation of appropriate procedures for the use of insect pollinators in modern systems technology of integrated fruit production and increase certainty of pollination with special attention to planting using protective cover, nets or foils.
Development and optimization methods for the determination of biogenic amines in response to increasing health security of silage
Coordinator: Mendel University in Brno
Investigator: Ing. Daniela Knotová
Supported by: Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic
Time of solving: 2013–2017
Summary: The aims of project is increase the production potential of agricultural crops and livestock, to introduce new methods, processes and systems to increase the competitiveness of Czech agriculture, not least, to introduce management systems to limit the negative impact of climate change. The aims will be achieved by improving the quality of health and safety of forage through the use of different species of perennial legumes and grasses and timely capture of canning feed containing biogenic amines. Hypothesis: Early detection of conserved feed contaminated with biogenic amines and clostridia will reduce economic losses to farm and contribute to the profitability of primary agricultural production.
Different ways of vineyard greening and management and their influence on reduction of soil erosion and quality of production.
Coordinator: Mendel University in Brno
Investigator: Mgr. Tomáš Vymyslický
Supported by: Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
Time of solving: 2014–2017
Summary: The aim of the project is the development and testing of new cover crops mixtures intended for use in vineyards in organic and integrated production in the Czech Republic. Species-rich mixtures both for inter-rows and for space under grape plants will serve to promote biodiversity in vineyards. The goal will be a positive effect of cover crops mixtures on physical and chemical soil properties, growth and development of the grape plants, yield and quality of grapes and wines. Proposed cover crops mixtures will be tested in the wine-growing enterprises in organic and integrated production. Testing of different cover crops mixtures will last for three years. Based on three-year evaluation of the proposed mixtures their final composition will be specified considering specific soil and climatic conditions (utility models). Suitable technologies of planting and a system of stand treatments will be proposed (certified methodology, certified technologies). An important goal will be the positive environmental effect, preserving or enhancing the biodiversity of fauna and flora in the vineyards. The positive effect of legumes, as atmospheric nitrogen fixators, on the consumption of nitrogenous fertilizers and thus effective management of mineral nutrition will be emphasized.
The technology of integrated hop production
Coordinator: Crop Research Institute cri
Investigator: Ing. Karel Vejražka, Ph.D.
Supported by: Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
Time of solving: 2014–2017
Summary: The aim of this project is to obtain new information for the technology of integrated hop production on high and low trellis. The technology of integrated hop production will be based on: i) innovation of integrated pest management against economically important pests and diseases with preferred applications of environment friendly biopesticides minimizing occurrence of pesticide residues in hop cones, ii) optimized fertilization reducing washing out of nutrients into surface water and groundwater resources, iii) replacement of the traditional fallow black ground systems by the introduction of flowering plants in the inter-row increasing humus content, biodiversity, occurrence of natural enemies of pests, and reducing soil erosion, soil overcomapction and the intensity of fertilization.
Testing of some chosen brassicacae insect pests susceptibility to insecticides
Coordinator:AGRITEC, výzkum, šlechtění a služby, s.r.o.
Investigator:Kolařík Pavel Ing.
Supported by: Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic
Time of solving:2012 – 2016
Summary: The main object of the project is to evaluate an occurrence of pollen beetles´ resistance to insecticides in the Czech Republic for the State Phytosanitary Administration needs. On the base of large sampling activities the MELIAE subpopulations coming from all regions of the Czech republic will be tested on susceptibility to chosen pyrethroids (taufluvalinate, byfenthrin, cypermethrin), neonicotinoids (thiacloprid, acetamiprid), organophosphates (chlorpyrifos, pirimiphos-methyl) and to some new perspective active ingredients (pymetrozine, indoxacarb, spinosyny) to be stated baseline sensitivities to the insecticides, significant shifts in susceptibilities to the insecticides and differences in susceptibilities to the insecticides in the various regions of the Czech Republic. The main receiver of the results of the project will be the State Phytosanitary Administration of the Czech Republic in order to be able more quickly and more precisely adjust its recommedations and regulations related primarily with antiresistant strategies aiming to farmer practice.
Establishment and management of pond dykes growths with respect to their utilisation
Coordinator: Mendel University in Brno
Investigator: Mgr. Tomáš Vymyslický
Supported by: Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic
Time of solving: 2012–2016
Summary: This project supposes the elimination of soil erosion and the decrease of biodiversity of permanent grasslands on ponds dykes. One of the factors stabilising the soil surface is the vegetation cover and its root system, which leads to the improvement of structural conditions of the soil and the soil retention capacity. Within this project attention is devoted to diversity of pond dykes, including its crowns. Their vegetation, possibilities of improvement the stands on dykes by additional sowing, the possibilities of biomass harvest with respect to slopes and trees growing on the dykes are studied. Important aspect will be the utilisation of harvested biomass to harmonise the C:N ratio and utilisation in fish and water birds feeding. The second aspect should be the minimisation of biomass production and decrease of the management needs. All will be considered with respect to strengthening of the dykes against erosion and with respect to protection of population against floods. The main aim of the project is to propose technical measures, mechanisation devices and technological lines for dyke treatments. Relevant solutions will be based on the ways of grasslands management on dykes and on the choice of proper composition of grasslands with respect to the soil conditions.
Effect of soil degradation on complex soil properties including conservation measures for restoration soil agroecological function
Coordinator: Vysoké učení technické v Brně
Investigator: Ing. Bartlová Jaroslava
Supported by: Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic
Time of solving: 2012 – 2016
Summary: The project is focused on determination effect of soil erosion on soil properties during application of conventional farming and elaboration and verification of new conservation methodes and measures for increasing and restoration soil agroecological function.The aim of the project include application of research issues as a source for legistation change, subsidy process and new metodology for conservation measures in the process of Land consolidation.
Agronomic measures to a reduction of water erosion on arable land with utilization of organic matter plough down
Coordinator: Výzkumný ústav zemědělské techniky, v.v.i.
Investigator: Badalíková Barbora, Ing.
Supported by: Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic
Time of solving: 2012 – 2016
Summary: Project will solve complex remedy of soil protection technologies in the course of soil cultivation, which serve to protection of surface and underground waters as well as technological (manure application) and agricultural practices to an increase of topsoil infiltration ability and the elaborated principles publish in form of verified technology in selected agricultural enterprises.
Innovate the system of quality of feeds evaluation with the emphasis on the new national system implementation
Coordinator: Agricultural Research Ltd.
Investigator: Nedělník Jan RNDr. Ph.D.
Supported by: Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic
Time of solving: 2012 – 2015
Summary: On the base of current knowledges, chemical analyses of maize hybrids and the results of digestibility determinations the new system of maize silage hybrids evaluation will be developed. This system will take into account a variability of natural conditions in various cropping areas. The methodical and analytical procedures will be optimized for the purpose of optimal using of these ones in parameters quality evaluation. The maize silage hybrids will be evaluated in the areas of VÚP Troubsko and Praha Uhříněves. Next sites will be chosen with the cooperation of Svaz chovatelů českého strakatého skotu. The aim of project is to develop of independent system of maize silage hybrids evaluation which are accessible on Czech market.
Study of methods and crop management practices for seed yield of selected grass, legumes and intercrop species and quality increasing in organic agriculture
Coordinator: Oseva PRO Ltd., Grassland Research Station, Rožnov – Zubří
Investigator: Ing. Jan Pelikán, CSc.
Supported by: Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic, 101C167
Time of solving: 2010 – 2014
Summary: The project concentrates on some important problems in organic grass, legumes and intercops seed growing. The main goals are: new wals of establishing of seed stands and thein protection against difficult Leeds, pests and diseases (including searching for sources of resistence to stem rust in perennial ryegrass). The solving can bring the new and interesting knowledge not only for the organic farmers, but non-chemical crop management will be available for conventional grass, legumes and intercops seed growers too.
Testing of new accesses to stem weevils (C. pallidactylus and C. napi) control in oil seed rape based on more precise monitoring of their occurrence and behaviour and testing of Meligethes aeneus subpopulations to pyrethroid resistance
Coordinator : Agritec Šumperk
Investigator : doc. ing. Jiří Rotrekl, CSc.
Supported by: Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic
Time of solving:
The project team presented oilseed rape growers procedure that refines the process of determining the appropriate terms for insecticidal intervention against stem weevils (especially cabbage stem weevil). The procedure encourages users to significantly different timing of insecticide interventions when compared with the methods currently used in particular in those areas (or in years), where (or when) C. pallidactylus dominates in rape. Since it is not a small part of the territory, the aim is to inform the team of authors Czech oilseed growers. Insecticidal interventions targeted to C. pallidactylus can be significantly refined based on detailed monitoring of flight activity of adults. This process usually leads to the convergence of application deadlines for action as appropriate to C. pallidactylus and the pollen beatle (Meligethes spp.). The result should therefore be a significant improvement in the protection of forests against stem weevils, reducing the selection pressure towards the development of resistance against pollen beatle to pyretroides respectively insecticides generally a more rational use of insecticides in winter rape.
By discovering the emergence of resistant subpopulations of Meligethes aeneus against pyrethroids from different localities in the Czech Republic was the overall contribution to the mapping problem extension resistance against insecticides for this pest in the Czech Republic and Europe.
Interactions of insect biodiversity in an landscape with various methods of agricultural land use and technologies with respect to pests of grasses and alfalfa and their bioregulators.
Coordinator : OSEVA PRO
Investigator : doc. ing. Jiří Rotrekl, CSc.
Supported by: Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic
Time of solving:
The project team developed a methodology for biomonitoring autochthonous fauna of hemiedafic arthropods, which is very suitable for meeting the objectives stated in the introduction methodology and in particular specify the relationship and impact of agricultural technology on biodiversity natural ecosystem and identify the key issues of the relationship. Moreover, it is required to meet international institutions under the Convention on Biodiversity, to which we have become as attached. At the same time it is also important emergent bullpen as a utility model that is intended for research monitoring arthropods in a natural ecosystem. An important contribution to science and completely unique finding new species of arthropods in the course of the research project also, the belong there and capture the individuals listed in the red list of endangered. Significant is a completely new knowledge about the impact of increased intensity of mulch on incidence bugs in grassland especially for grasses that are planted for seed a topic for further research in innovation growing technology grasses planted for seed. Innovative is also evidence of efficacy of a new active substance Biscaya 240 0D against Leptopterna dolobrata. Biscaya 240 OD will be designed for extended use in grasses planted for seed against these pest.
Evaluation of soil degradation as effected by anthropogenic activities in connection with crops cultivation
Coordinator : Research Institute for Fodder Crops, Ltd. Troubsko
Investigator : Ing. Barbora Badalíková
Supported by: Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic
Time of solving: 2007–2011
The project is aimed at soil degradation changes in spring barley growth under different types of management regimes. It will be evaluated change of soil physical, chemical and biological properties that influence the nutrient availability and quality of production. Possibilities for the elimination of soil degradation processes and the influence between land use and soil adaptability under differing agroecological conditions will be investigated in connection with growth of crops.
The main project aim is to evaluate an influence of microfungi and some of their secondary metabolites occurence of feed (maize and grass sillages) quality
Coordinator : Research Institute for Fodder Crops, Ltd. Troubsko
Investigator : RNDr. Jan Nedělník, PhD.
Supported by: Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic
Time of solving: 2007–11
Protection innovation of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) against account fungal pathogen
Coordinator :
Investigator : RNDr. Jan Hofbauer, CSc.
Supported by:
Time of solving: 2008-2012
Summary: As a result of the project is finding the patogens spectrum on safflower in the Czech Republic, with more emphasis on Ramularia carthami.Diagnosis of fungal patogens and suggestion of technology of protections against patogens of safflower
Optimization of water regime in landscape and increasing of its retention ability through application of compost from biologically degradable waste on arable land and permanent grassland
Coordinator : Research Institute ofAgricultural Engineering Prague
Investigator : Ing. Barbora Badalíková
Supported by: Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic
Time of solving: 2008–2012
The organic matter decrease in soil and excessive soil loading with farm mechanization leads to the soil structure degradation and consequently to water regime failure in soil. By means of controlled composting it is possible to produce organic matter (compost) usable for soil physical and hydro physical properties improvement. In selected soil- climatic areas there will be established semi- operational trials with aim to verify the compost impact on deficiency soil using model treatment of graded compost portion and simplified crop circulation. There will be experiments on arable soil and by permanent grassland rehabilitation. There also will be investigated compost effect on soil hydrophysical properties and its influence on soil water infiltration.
Technical facilities for harvest and processing grapevine woods
Coordinator : Mendel Agricultural and Forestry University in Brno
Investigator : Ing. Barbora Badalíková
Supported by: Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic
Time of solving: 2008–12
The project solves the elimination and next utilization of clip off of grapevine wood from vineyards to energy effects in technological line with collection whole grapevine woods and also in line collection and contemporary output of wood chips.
Research and inovation of the methods of an integrated plant management of the pea (Pisum sativum L.) against the chosen insect pests (project No. 1B44008)
Coordinator: | AGRITEC, Research, Breeding & Services, Ltd. Šumperk |
Investigator: | Doc. Ing. Jiří Rotrekl, CSc. |
Supported by: | Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic |
Time of solving: | 2004–2008 |
The basis of the project are current problems of pea (Pisum sativumL.) protection against some important pest insects, whose importance has increased during the several last years or the methods of controlling them are not developed. The benefit from the results of the project for agricultural practice should be formulation of a complex methodological approach towards pea (Pisum sativum L.) protection against Bruchus pisorum L. and other chosen insect pests (Cydia nigricana F., Thysanoptera) occurring in and infesting the pea practically at the same time. The other part of the project concerns the evaluation of the effect of the insecticidal coating of pea seeds on reducing pea damage by pea leaf weevils (Sitonaspp.) and on increasing yield parameters.
The optimization of both agricultural and river landscape in the Czech Republic with an emphasis on the biodiversity process (project No. 2B06101)
Coordinator: | Palacky University Olomouc |
Investigator: | Ing. Jaromír Procházka, CSc. |
Supported by: | Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic |
Time of solving: | 2006–2011 |
Summary: To determine the condition and use of representative cultural landscapes in the Czech Republic, to define their negative impacts, to propose remedial measures which enable the increase of ecological stability and create conditions for enhancing biodiversity are the main aims of the project. . The special aim for our Institute is to optimize farming systems both in agricultural and river land from the wiewpoint of increasing biodiversity and soil and water protection.
Bumblebees as an active element of te enviroment biodiversity (project No. 2B06007)
Coordinator: | Czech Academy of Science |
Investigator: | Mgr. Olga Komzáková |
Supported by: | Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic |
Time of solving: | 2006–2011 |
Summary: The aim of project is to complete missing information of the occurence of the bumblebee species in our territory and to obtain more knowledge on the biology, comunication taxonomy and ecology of bumblebees. This knowledge is crutial for protection of diversity of the indispensable plant pollinators. This project should contribut to extension of knowledge of the biological cycle of Bombus terrestris in the laboratory conditions, to bring information about occurence of Bombus cryptarum and Bombus magnusin the Czech Republic, to give methodical recomendation to producers of the bumblebees hives for comercial pollination leading to the succesful breeding of the local bumblebees, to get to know the bionomy of the moth Aphomia sociella and to offer the way of the bumblebees protection against this parasite. The Research Institute for Fodder Crops solve the problems regarding the influence of the food quality on overwintering of queens and the changes in the quantity of their lipids and glycogen. Furthermore we occupy ourself with determination of the problematic species of genus Bombus with using of molecular methods within this project.
Exploration, use and protection of biodiversity of non-traditional plant genetic resources in the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic (project No.156)
Coordinator: | RIFC, Ltd. Troubsko |
Investigator: | Ing. Jan Pelikán, CSc. |
Supported by: | Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic |
Time of solving: | 2004–2005 |
Summary The aim of the project is to explore and collect plant genetic resources of rare and endangered plant species, meadow species, leguminous species and non-traditional species in the Czech and Slovak Republics. Collected species are stored in the Czech and Slovak national gene banks and then they are used in research, breeding etc. The species can also be used in increasing biological diversity in agriculture and in nature conservation. The aim of the project is protection of non- traditional plant genetic resources in accordance with the Agreement of biological diversity. Non-conventional methods used in breeding of leguminous and meadow species in the Slovak Republic are studied.
Development and utilization of bio-preparations and organo-mineral fertilizers promoting decomposition of organic substances and enhancing soil suppressivity (project No. EUREKA! 2718 Euroenviron Ecofert)
Coordinator: | Redam Ltd., Smržice |
Investigator: | Ing. Jaromír Procházka, CSc. |
Supported by: | Ministry of Education,Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic |
Time of solving: | 2002–2005 |
Summary The aim of the study is to develop filamentous fungi based bio-preparations and a new series of organo-mineral fertilizers based on molasses stillage promoting decomposition of crop residues and straw and simultaneously enhancing the suppressivity of soil environment.
Project outputs: – development of technology of artificial cultivation of selected species of filamentous fungi and bacteria promoting decomposition of organic substances and enhancing the suppressive potential of soil environment and their finalization in the form of standard bio-preparations, – development of a new series of large-volume and small-volume organo-mineral fertilizers on the basis of molasses stillage and their production technologies – development of crop-growing technologies and programs of integrated pest management in which a combination of decomposition and the entomo-pathogenic role of newly formed bio-preparations and organo-mineral fertilizers will be effectively used.
Economic and ecological utilization of selected residual materials for landscape creation (Project No. EUREKA! 2936 Eco-utiresmat)
Coordinator: | Research Institute of Building Materials, Brno |
Investigator: | Ing. Jan Hrubý, CSc. |
Supported by: | Ministry of Education,Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic |
Time of solving: | 2003–2006 |
Summary Within the framework of the international research project Eureka the possibilities of utilizing bulk waste from the power and metallurgic industries not only in the building industry but also in landscape formation and design were studied in collaboration with foreign partners (Serbia, Turkey). One of the goals was to test the real possibilities of using free CaO from ashes and fly ashes released during fluid combustion of coal in power plants or heating stations, predominantly as products (e.g. pellets) for the modification of soil reaction.
Conservation of disappearing plant genetic resources for agriculture (project No.156)
Coordinator: | Research Institute of Crop Production, Praha-Ruzyně |
Investigator: | Mgr. Tomáš Vymyslický |
Supported by: | Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic |
Time of solving: | 2005–2006 |
Summary The goal of the project was to explore and collect locally adapted populations and land races of cultivated plants and their wild relatives in Czech Republic and Slovenia. The project was realized by conducting two joint collecting missions in the south east of Slovenian and in the south of the Czech Republic. The collected germplasm has been shared and preserved in the two national gene banks. Detailed description and evaluation has been completed by using resources and funding provided by the respective ministries for plant genetic resources conservation. Both national databases were surveyed in order to evaluate the existing agro-biodiversity, afterwards the samples were exchanged. Information on evaluation methodologies and seed regeneration techniques were exchanged to reinforce the National programme on plant genetic resources for food and agriculture in each country.
The objective of this project is to determine the possibilities of utilization of soil enrichment by bio-alggen stimulants, with main focus on chlorophyll fluorescence
Investigator : Ing. Jaroslava Bartlová
Supported by: Research Institute for Fodder Crops, Ltd. Troubsko
Time of solving: 2008–09
Untraditional field crops from the breeding production of VÚP Troubsko, eg. Chinese Mallow (Malva verticillata), Canary Grass (Phalaris canariensis) and Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) will be tested in small-plot trial.
The other values as field emergence, flowering, leaf mass, aboveground mass weight and average seed weight will be also assessed.
Hybridization as a tool for increasing quality and yield stability of selected non-traditional oil crops
Investigator : Ing. Karel Vejražka
Supported by: Research Institute for Fodder Crops, Ltd. Troubsko
Time of solving: 2008–09
The aims of project are developing breeding materials with higher quality and yield stability. There were selected two species marked as potential useful for oil production, one for food and the second one for industrial purposes. Field trial evaluation of selected gene resources will be held in the first part of project. The promising materials will be selected as parents for hybridization on the base of the first part results. F1 generations will be developed from different parental origin.
The observation of basic features of genetic resources of Phacelia spp. with the aim to create the set of minimal descriptors to be used for their description.
Coordinator: | RIFC, Ltd. Troubsko |
Investigator: | Mgr. Helena Marková |
Supported by: | RIFC, Ltd. Troubsko |
Time of solving: | 2008–2010 |
At present in the Czech gene bank 15 seed samples of genus Phacelia are saved. Phacelia tanacetifolia is very popular crop in the Czech Republic, because it is interesting melliferous and silage crop. So it is necessary to create the tool for its description. The aim of this project is to create the descriptor list for the genus Phacelia – for the description and evaluation of the Phacelia species. At present Czech national or international descriptor list of genus Phacelia do not exist. We have gathered together the seed samples from gene banks, breeders and botanic gardens. In the spring 2008 we have established field trials and individual outplanting. We have observed some important traits both in stands and on individual plants. Basing on the results of observation we will create universal descriptor list for genus Phacelia.
Technology and technological systems growing sugarbeet for sustainable agriculture (project No. 1G46038)
Coordinator: | Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry Brno, Czech Republic |
Investigator: | Ing. Barbora Badalíková |
Supported by: | Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic |
Time of solving: | 2004–2008 |
The project solves problems of sugar beet cultivation without ploughing. Project comes–out from two basic variants of sugar beet prosecution – with ploughing and without ploughing only with loosening. By new cropping technology will be verified new machines and sets and there will interpreted energetic and their setting. At the same time there will be assess economic evaluation of both variants of sugar beet prosecution. New cropping technology is solving within problems of healthy soil preservation. In the Research Institute for Fodder Crops Troubsko is solved the relationship between soil reaction, humus content and humus quality by different soil tillage to sugar beet. The trial with different technologies of soil tillage by sugar beet and their influence over development and growth those crops was found in the year 2004 in field conditions on three locations in sugar beet growing region of production with different soil and climatic characteristics. Distinct effect on the soil reaction and humus quality, eventually their connection do not follow by different soil tillage. On all locations was found analogical yield intra-variants. On location Velešovice and Morkovice on chernozem was accomplished of lowest yield by variant with ploughing.
Conservation of plant biodiversity in the system of sustainable agriculture and landscaping (project No. 1G46066)
Coordinator: | Research Institute of Crop Production, Praha-Ruzyně |
Investigator: | Mgr. Tomáš Vymyslický |
Supported by: | Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic |
Time of solving: | 2004–2008 |
Still existing fragments of land races and traditional obsolete cultivars, especially fruit trees are searched for within the Czech Republic, evaluated and a project on their „in situ“ conservation is elaborated. Additional valuable land races of fruits and fields crops from germplasm collections are returned to culture using the „on farm” method. Selected wild, meadow and aromatic/medicinal plants are studied and evaluated with the aim of their introduction to cultivation. Needs for „in situ” conservation for threatened species is considered and an aimed „on farm“ conservation is realized. According to possibilities, various lost or not viable historical collected materials and land races are repatriated form abroad.
Possibilities of limiting the drought impact by optimizing management practices in some field crops (project No. 1G46055)
Coordinator: | Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry Brno |
Investigator: | Doc. Ing. Jiří Rotrekl, CSc. |
Supported by: | Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic |
Time of solving: | 2004–2008 |
The extreme climatic events occurring over the last years have significantly influenced agricultural production in the Czech Republic. A number of specialists are of the opinion that these are effects of a climatic change. Under the warmest conditions on extremely light or heavy soils, such locations, where economic effectiveness will be difficult to achieve, are expected to occur. The most affected locations will be those at lower altitudes that are supposed to suffer from more frequent meteorological drought events, which could negatively influence the yield level in our most fertile regions. Therefore, it is necessary to limit drought effects using some agronomic treatments. The objective of the project is to optimize the so-called crop management practices modified according to soil and climatic conditions that are not sufficiently considered in our country. Various farming systems and soil tillage practices will be comprehensively evaluated for selected crops under drier conditions in field experiments. The developed crop management practices adapted to changing climatic conditions provide prerequisites for higher competitiveness of plant production in farming under drier regions of the Czech Republic.
Care for land under conditions with increased requirements for living environment protection (project No. 1G57042)
Coordinator: | Research Institute of Agricultural Engineering Praha |
Investigator: | Ing. Blanka Procházková, CSc. |
Supported by: | Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic |
Time of solving: | 2005–2008 |
Within farming on land in production regions has increased significance the harmonization of agricultural land intensive utilization with the need to maintain the non-production land functions and to protect it against secondary negative impacts of the intensive utilization. The objective of the suggested project solution are possibilities of land structure improvement within its intensive utilization, research of problems connected with the long-term utilization of different technologies for land cultivation, management of post-harvest remainders and intercrops utilization, reduction of risk connected with occurrence of herbicides residua in soil and drink water sources. The suggested solution comprises also risk reduction connected with the diseases transfer from the post-harvest residua and inter-crops on the cultivated crops and increasing of the land protection against the water erosion in the production regions.
The production of quality and safe cereal products using different control strategies of maize and store products. (project No. 1B53043)
Coordinator: | Research Institute of Crop Production, Praha-Ruzyně |
Investigator: | RNDr. Jan Nedělník, PhD. |
Supported by: | Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic |
Time of solving: | 2005–2008 |
The aim of the project is to obtain new knowledge for the reduction of mycotoxins occurrence in feed and food products from maize by the innovation of control strategies during maize growing and storage and to evaluate their influence on health of livestock. The partial aim is to standardize the analytical methods of detection of mycotoxins in cereals. Four different control strategies of maize will be tested to ascertain their influence on the reduction of injury of maize caused by European corn borer, on the occurrence of toxigenic mikromycets and the content of mycotoxins in corn and silage. The relation between the occurrence of micromycets and mycotoxins in maize and their occurrence in wheat and barley (and their products) grown after maize will be evaluated. The occurrence of toxigenic mikromycets in wheat and barley grown after maize will be controlled by fungicides and biopreparations. Resistant and susceptible varieties of wheat and barley will be grown. In sweet maize only two control strategies against European corn borer will be compared and consequently the occurrence of residues of pesticides and mycotoxins in product and during the conversion into the final product will be evaluated. Several control strategies will be used against pests in storage maize corn from field experiments. The movement of residues of pesticides in food chain: crop in the field, harvested product, storage product, feed, livestock, food, will be monitored. The methods for the analysis of mycotoxins and residues of pesticides in food chain will be standardized. The economical and ecological evaluation of control strategies of maize and its products regarding the quality and feed and food safety will be done. The results of the project will enable to reduce the content of mycotoxins and residues of pesticides in cereal products and in food chain. The nutrition value of feed from maize with different content of mycotoxins and its influence on alimentation and health of cattle will be evaluated. The effects of mycotoxins in feedsuff on rumen process will be evaluated in vitro. The influence of maize with different content of mycotoxins on the milk yield and milk composition, quality, technological properties and milk health parameters will be tested on dairy cows.
Raising of quality and efficiency of milk and milk products manufacture in ecological farming (project No. 1G58063)
Coordinator: | Dairy Research Institute Praha, (MILCOM, a.s. Praha) |
Investigator: | Ing. Zdeněk Vorlíček, CSc. |
Supported by: | Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic |
Time of solving: | 2005–2009 |
Summary: The project consists in complex solution of bio milk production in ecological farming as a whole. It starts with cow milk nutrition (fodder production, storing, preparation and composition), technology of cattle breeding, milk production and its storage, providing of milk quality and safety and finishes with the milk processing in small and big enterprises and the evaluation of proposed systems GAP, GMP, GHP and HACCP. These systems will available under conditions of biomilk production and its processing on biomilk products.
Minor crops for specific food utilization (project No. QG60130)
Coordinator: | Research Institute of Crop Production, Praha-Ruzyně |
Investigator: | Mgr. Tomáš Vymyslický |
Supported by: | Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic |
Time of solving: | 2006–2009 |
Summary: The aim of submitted project is enlargement of diversity of cultivated crops in the Czech Republic and recommendation to their suitable utilization. The subject of project are minor species of cereals (hulled wheat, hulled oat and barley, millet and tartar buckwheat), legumes (pea, cowpea, chickpea) and oil bearing crops (safflower). The new genotypes of all species are evaluated for important agronomical and morphological characteristics. The growing systems of crops not yet grown in the Czech Republic (cowpea, chickpea) are recommended. The main attention for crops with developed growing system is paid to searching of their specific traits utilizable in products attractive for consumers with accompanied effect to health.
The selection and regionalization of suitable catch crops, their utilization for reduction of risk of nitrate leaching (project No. 1G60124)
Coordinator: | Research Institute of Crop Production, Praha-Ruzyně |
Investigator: | Ing. Jaromír Procházka, CSc. |
Supported by: | Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic |
Time of solving: | 2006–2009 |
Research is aimed at the selection of optimal catch crops for conditions of Czech Republic and utilization of diversity within species and varieties. The objectives of the project are to produce knowledge basis for selection of the catch crops that have good chance to produce satisfactory yield of biomass before winter and to decrease risk of nitrate leaching by accumulation of nitrogen in phytomass under specific site and year conditions. At least 12 catch crops plus control-fallow soil will be studied in field trials (four sites, years and replications). The dynamic of growth, production of aboveground and root mass, N content of plants, concentration of NO3-N a NH4-N in soil and soil solution, the content of soil total N, C, S and active C will be determined in the experiments. The mineral N content will be determined in top and subsoil before sowing, at the end of growth period and before ploughing down the biomass at early spring. Pot experiments will be conducted to determine the effect of soil mineral N content, temperature and soil moisture on the growth, N depletion and root/shoot rate and root growth to depth. In incubation experiment the degrability of root and shoot biomass of catch crops will be studied. Costs of introducing different catch crops under various combinations of site conditions, sowing terms and agriculture machinery will be calculated. The environmental benefits will estimate using suitable indicators. The data will be used for regionalization of suitable catch crops for different soil-climate conditions of Czech Republic (including maps in GIS) and for programming simple on-line expert system aimed at selection of suitable catch crops in farms.
The research in bumblebees and their food sources on certain localities in South Moravia with the use of laboratory rearing methods for conservation their natural diversity (project No. 1R44014)
Coordinator: | RIFC, Ltd. Troubsko |
Investigator: | Mgr. Olga Komzáková |
Supported by: | Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic |
Time of solving: | 2004–2008 |
Summary: During of undertaking this project several plots were sown with plants, which could be suitable for bumblebees as their food source. During the time of blooming, the plants were monitored from the viewpoint of bumblebee occurrence. The following were recorded as the most suitable: Brassica rapa, Coronila varia, Echinum vulgare, Salvia officinalis, Trifolium incarnatum. The research into bumblebee occurrence was carried out in several natural localities of South Moravia, too. In the study area 10 bumblebee species were found. The most abundant species were Bombus terrestris and Pyrobombus lapidarius. Testing of rearing methods of some rare species was started. Successful results were achieved with species Pyrobombus lapidarius, Bombus lucorumand Pyrobombus pratorum.
Introduction of new traits for quality and stability improving in variety production of selected leguminous species by hybridization methods (project No. 1G46034)
Coordinator: | RIFC, Ltd. Troubsko |
Investigator: | RNDr. Jan Hofbauer, CSc. |
Supported by: | Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic |
Time of solving: | 2004–2008 |
The objective of this project is to observe pre- and post- fertilisation barriers after inter-specific crosses by in vitro methods in the genus Trifolium and Lotus. The aim of the actual project is to overcome of these barriers for obtaining hybrids with desired traits such as increased tolerance to Fusarium spp., BYMV and higher persistence in red clover and improved pod indehiscence in bird’s foot trefoil. To study pre-fertilisation barriers is used the callose staining method in the growing pollen tubes by aniline blue. Post- fertilisation barriers (endosperm and embryo development) are traced by two clearing treatments by means of chloral hydrate and mixture of benzyl benzoate and dibutyl phtalate, both with modifications. The investigation is focused on the determination of most promising genotypes for the interspecific crosses, the examination of maximum level of hybrid embryo development and so optimal period for in vitro embryo cultivation.
Technology and technological systems growing sugar beet for sustainable agriculture
Coordinator : Mendel Agricultural and Forestry University in Brno
Investigator : Ing. Barbora Badalíková
Supported by: Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic
Time of solving: 2004–2008
The project comes out from two basic variants of sugar-beet cultivation (with ploughing and without ploughing). In the new cropping technology there will check new machines and sets and there will interpretation energetic and their setting. At the same time they will assess economic evaluation of both variants prosecution sugar-beet. New cropping technology is solving in terms of problems preservation healthy state soil.
Ecological recycling of organic wastes with respect to remediation of petroleum polluted soils an areas (project EUREKA! 2190 Revital)
Coordinator: | RIFC, Ltd., Troubsko |
Investigator: | Ing. Jan Hrubý, CSc. |
Supported by: | Ministry of Education,Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic |
Time of solving: | 1999–2003 |
Phytoremediation of mixed contaminants using trees and crops (project No. EUREKA! 2567 Phytocut)
Coordinator: | Czech University of Agriculture Praha |
Investigator: | Ing. Jan Hrubý, CSc. |
Supported by: | Ministry of Education,Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic |
Time of solving: | 2002–2004 |
Czech projects
The sustainable utilisation and management of grasslands of ruminants in less favourable areas (LFA) within the European model of a multifunctional agriculture (project No. QF3018)
Coordinator: | Reserch Institute for Cattle Breeding, Ltd., Rapotín, Czech Republic |
Investigator: | Ing. Zdeněk Vorlíček, CSc. |
Supported by: | Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic |
Time of solving: | 2003–2007 |
The results of long term trials based on original, renovated, and over sown grasslands will be concluded. A function of sustainable grasslands without agricultural production, their botanical composition yield, and the amount of infiltrated water and chemical composition of lysimetric water will be evaluated in selected swards. A possibility of establishment in „off-vegetation season“ and over seeding will be studied in a model trial. The agricultural techniques will be followed by zoo technical observations. Cattle grazing, health parameters and efficiency including welfare will be evaluated. Analysis based both on economic and productive indicators will be accomplished and proposals for better LFA conditions will be worked out.
Vigour of seeds, quality of planting material and their significance for standard and selected special crops for plant breeding, seed production and for plant producers (project No. QF3056)
Coordinator: | Research Institute of Crop Production, Praha-Ruzyně |
Investigator: | Ing. Pavlína Gottwaldová |
Supported by: | Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic |
Time of solving: | 2003–2007 |
The aim of our institute in the project is quality evaluation of seeds of some minor fodder crops. Fodder mallow (Malva verticillata), woolly blue curls (Phacelia tanacetifolia), white sweet clover (Melilotus albus) – annual and biennial form, trefoil (Lotus ornithopodioides) and rye (Secale cerealevar. multicaule) are studied. Basic biological characteristics (the weight of thousand seeds, total germination, hard seed proportion, external and internal seed damage) are observed. By using seeds of fodder mallow the influence of higher temperatures on the proportion of hard seeds is tested. After repeated laboratory tests with warming up of the seeds to different temperatures with different length of its application, the optimal temperature have been detected. The aim is to decrease the proportion of hard seeds by the species. The application of some growth stimulants and plant- hormones on the seed quality is tested. The correlation of the seed size with plant growth and the weight of thousand seeds are studied. Also the tests of accelerated growing up of seeds of different origin are performed with the aim of choosing the best seed for stocking.
Development of transgenic pea (Pisum sativum L.) lines with enhanced resistance to viral pathogens (project No. QF3072)
Coordinator: | AGRITEC, Research, Breeding and Services, Ltd. Šumperk |
Investigator: | Ing. Martina Poláková |
Supported by: | Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic |
Time of solving: | 2003–2007 |
The object of this project is to develop an efficient and reliable method for massive transformation of pea lines with the aim of obtaining enhanced resistance to economically important viral pathogens. The first steps of the investigations of the virus spread and occurrence will be followed by the description of basic pathogen characters (biological and molecular). They were done the serological analyses (ELISA) and determination of virus pathogens in the taken away assays. We observed the resistance to BYMV, PEMV and PSbMV on the Czech pea cultivars under greenhouse conditions. It was completed isolation CP gene by the chosen isolates PEMV and PSbMV. We were transformed another genotypes pea with construct pWell05b (resistance to PEMV) and pWell07a (resistance to PSbMV) and selected and regenerated the potential transgenic pea lines. By these lines were done molecular analyses PCR and Southern blot. We entered on study expression transgenic (RT-PCR) and observation resistance transgenic pea lines after infection with PEMV and PSbMV.
The inovation of poppy (Papaver somniferum) growing technology (project No.QF3173)
Coordinator: | Oseva PRO Ltd., Research Institute of Oilseed Crops Opava |
Investigator: | Doc. Ing. Jiří Rotrekl, CSc. |
Supported by: | Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic |
Time of solving: | 2003–2007 |
Poppy is an important field crop. The well-known growing t