Research Institute for Fodder Crops Ltd., Troubsko search partner for scientific and research cooperation.
Description of collaboration:
- Fodder crops (legumes, grasses, maize, catch crops) on arable land
- farming systems
- crop rotations
- fodder and seed production technologies
- soil tillage, plant protection, pollination
- Soil tillage technologies
- conservation of soil
- no-tillage technologies
- organic matter in soil
- soil fertility
- physical properties of the soil
- recycling of secondary products and biological wastes in agricultural production
- Plant protection systems in fodder crops, maize, winter rape
- weeds
- insects
- virus and fungal diseases
- chemical treatment
- biological protection
- genetic of resistance
- Crops for non-food production
- medical plants
- oil crops
- fodder crops
- Properties and modification of solid residues from fluidized bed combustion of coal for their use in land reclamation and structural fills
- Protection of genetic resources
If you are interested in cooperation you can contact us at: vupt (at)